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應用領(lǐng)域 APPLICATION FIELD 廣泛應適用于藍寶石襯底、表鏡、窗口片以及藍寶石元器件、陶瓷等硬脆非金屬材料的研磨和拋光。It is widely used in grinding and polishing of sapphire substrates, mirrors, windows, sapphire precision components, ceramics and other hard and brittle non-metallic materials. 藍寶石加工:LED芯片、窗口片、表鏡片、手機指紋識別片、手機攝像頭鏡片等藍寶石材料研磨。Sapphire processing: grinding of sapphire materials such as LED chips, windows, watch lenses, mobile phone fingerprint identification films, and mobile phone camera lenses. 金屬加工:不銹鋼、鋁件、銅件、模具鋼、手機Logo、手機中框、手機卡槽、手機按鍵、手機背板、模具等超硬合金金屬材料研磨。 Metal processing: grinding of superhard alloy metal materials such as stainless steel, aluminum parts, copper parts, die steel, mobile phone logo, mobile phone middle frame, mobile phone card slot, mobile phone button, mobile phone back plate, mold and so on. 半導體加工:硅片、鍺、砷化鎵、磷化銦、碳化硅、氮化鎵等半導體材料研磨。Semiconductor processing: grinding of semiconductor materials such as silicon wafers, germanium, gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, silicon carbide, and gallium nitride.  紅外晶體加工:硒化鋅、鍺、硅、硫化鋅、氟化鈣、氟化鎂、鈮酸鋰、碳酸鋰、硫系紅外等紅外材料研磨。Infrared crystal processing: grinding of infrared materials such as zinc selenide, germanium, silicon, zinc sulfide, calcium fluoride, magnesium fluoride, lithium niobate, lithium carbonate, and chalcogenide infrared.

