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水性玻璃絲印油墨 水性油墨



BJ-6800M系列水性玻璃絲印油墨(Water-borne Glass Silk Printing Ink) 本油墨選用進口高檔改性樹脂、交聯劑、顏料研制而成的水性絲印油墨。本產品不含甲醛、游離TDI及二甲苯類有毒物質,以純凈水為稀釋劑,環(huán)保、安全、不燃不爆。擁有高光澤、高著色力、流平性好、氣味低、的附著力、耐磨、耐黃變、耐水洗等特點。 產品廣泛應用于玻璃酒瓶、玻璃酒杯、香水瓶、化妝瓶、玻璃器皿、圣誕玻璃等玻璃、陶瓷底材上的絲印工藝。 This ink is composed of importing top grade modified resin, cross-linking agent and particular pigments. This product does not contain formaldehyde, TDI, and Xylene class substances. Diluting by purified water, it is green, safe, non-burning and non-burst. It has high gloss, high tinting power, good leveling, little smell and outstanding adhesive force. It also highly resists the abrasion, yellowing and washing. It is widely used in silk printings for glass wine bottle, glass cups, perfume bottles, cosmetic containers, glass utensils and Xmas glass products.   注意事項: 油墨有效儲存時間為1年。 由于玻璃基材表面特性具有多樣性,油墨不能確保在任何條件下都適用,請先試用確認后再使用,如在實際操作中用戶有不明之處,請與我公司技術工程部聯系。 Note: The effective storage time for the ink is 6 months. Since the glass surfaces are of diversity, please try before use the ink. Contact our engineering department for any problems.                                

