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5mm~19mm高等防火玻璃 安全玻璃



以上價格均不是實際價格,定制量不同,價格不同!詳情請咨詢銷售qq228100560,聯(lián)系電話防火單片鋼化防火玻璃是一種由單層玻璃構(gòu)成,采用特殊工藝,對玻璃進行化學和物理處理而達到相應耐火等級要求的特種玻璃。 產(chǎn)品特點:1.強度高: 在同等厚度下,它的強度是浮法玻璃的數(shù)倍。 2.耐火性強: 在1000℃火焰中能保持90—180分鐘不炸裂,從而更有效地阻止火焰和煙霧的蔓延,有利于有足夠的時間逃生和搶險救災工作。3.耐侯性高: 適合各種自然環(huán)境使用,在太陽光長期照射下,不發(fā)生任何變化,幾乎與普通玻璃一樣的使用壽命 。4.可加工性: 可加工成夾層安全玻璃、中空玻璃、鍍膜玻璃、幕墻玻璃、磨砂工藝圖案的防火玻璃等。5.安裝容易: 安裝方法簡單,與普通玻璃接近。Fireproof glass is a kind of fire prevention by a single glass, use the special process, undertakes to glass chemical and physical treatment and corresponding to the requirements of the fireproof grade special glass. Product features: 1. High strength: in the same thickness, it's strength is float glass several times. 2. Watery resistance strong: in 1000 ℃ flame can maintain 90-180 minutes without cracking, so as to effectively prevent the spread of fire and smoke, to have enough time to get out and emergency rescue and disaster relief work. 3. Weatherability: suitable for all kinds of natural environment is used, in the sunlight long-term illuminate, does not produce any change, with common glass almost the same service life. 4. Manufacturability: can be processed into sandwich safety glass, hollow glass, coated glass, curtain wall glass, grinding process design of fire glass, etc. 5. Easy to install: installation is simple, similar to common glass.

